Pre Workout Meal

Your diet plays the most important role in changing your body.

If you have a serious goal, then it is important to keep in mind that it takes 80 percent of your diet and only 20 percent of your workout to change how you look. So it is important to know "How many calories are you taking and when are you taking?".

So the question is what you should eat before going to the gym? 
The answer is simple, whatever you eat before going to the gym, it should be protein and carbs, because if you take fats then you will feel lazy during your workout. 

So here are some foods/drinks which you should take 1.5-2 hours before going to the gym as a pre-workout meal -


Banana is a healthy source of fiber, potassium, vitamin B6, vitamin C, and many other antioxidants. At the same time, there is a lot of potassium in it

Some people say that eating a banana you will become fat, but these people always give incomplete information. If you do not have any sort of physical activity and you have a banana, then the body stores it as fat. But if you work out properly, you will be fit and it will help you to build muscles.

Brown Bread

Before a workout, brown bread can give you better results because it contains protein, carbohydrate, and fat in very small quantities. By eating it, you do feel energized all the time.

While making brown bread, the bran is not removed from the wheat, due to which the nutrients are present in the brown bread and which can prove to be good for us


Porridge or Dalia can also be taken in your breakfast. It has been used in our homes for a long time as a healthy snack, due to its high nutrients and energy value. If you eat porridge before your workout, then you do not need to eat anything for a long time.

Dalia is slow-digesting food which gives energy to your body and your body needs energy for a long time during a workout.

You can even add fruits or honey or berries to add more taste to it. Porridge is a good source of protein, fiber, and carbs.


Peanut is used in every house in some form or another, but most people eat it because of its taste. Peanuts are a good source of protein.

By taking this as a pre-workout meal, you will get energy for a long time and you will be healthy too


Taking a blueberry, raspberry or blackberry smoothie can give you great taste. At the same time, you can mix nuts, milk, honey, etc to increase its nutrients values.

You can even add protein powder to your smoothies which will help you to get to your protein goals faster.

So just, incorporate these things into your diet and start your Fitness Journey.
